Adjusting Bezier handles in TrakEM2

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Adjusting Bezier handles in TrakEM2

Richard Kollmar
Dear All:

I cannot figure out how to adjust both handles for Bezier points in a profile.
All the other manipulations under "Create a Profile" and "Adjust individual points
in the Bézier curve" in Albert's manual work for me. I can even click on and adjust
one handle independently from the other immediately after resetting both with
alt-drag; the second handle, however, is then completely unresponsive. I am
using the latest updated version of Fiji under OS X Tiger (10.4.11).

Thanks for any help,


Richard Kollmar, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Dpt. of Molecular & Integrative Physiology
   and Beckman Institute for Advanced Science & Technology
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
427A Burrill Hall, MC-114
407 S. Goodwin Ave.
Urbana, IL 61801
Tel. 217-333-9861
FAX 217-333-1133
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Re: Adjusting Bezier handles in TrakEM2

Richard Kollmar
It turns out that my problem was mostly self-inflicted. Since Albert Cardona has been kind
enough to point me in the right direction, I would like to post the solution in case somebody else
has the same problem:

- First, on a more powerful computer (20" iMac, 2 GHz Core Duo, 2 GB RAM, OS 10.5.6 vs. 12"
PowerBook, 867 MHz G4, 640 MB RAM, OS 10.4.11), TrakEM2 under Fiji is much more responsive
and the visual feedback is much better.

- Second, my understanding of how the Bezier handles work was not quite right. I was trying to
move them independently to create a corner. However, the right way to do that is to move them
both as close as possible to their anchor point and then adjust the anchor point and its neighbors.

- Finally, at high-enough zoom levels for the handles and the anchor point to be clearly
distinguishable,  I have to click somewhere besides the handles instead of directly on them, as if
the mapping of the cursor position is systematically off. Same thing under Linux, so it could be a
Java graphics issue.



>Subject:      Adjusting Bezier handles in TrakEM2
>Dear All:
>I cannot figure out how to adjust both handles for Bezier points in a profile.
>All the other manipulations under "Create a Profile" and "Adjust individual points
>in the Bézier curve" in Albert's manual work for me. I can even click on and adjust
>one handle independently from the other immediately after resetting both with
>alt-drag; the second handle, however, is then completely unresponsive. I am
>using the latest updated version of Fiji under OS X Tiger (10.4.11).
>Thanks for any help,