Analyse>Surface Plot

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Analyse>Surface Plot

Sir, the Analyse>Surface Plot draws a nice graph of my DIBA data, but the
graph is in Black and white (1), what should I do to draw it in color ? (2)
what should I do to draw it in color with shading depending on cutoff values
(like less than 0.5 - green, more than 0.51 red) (3) what should I do to
select multiple areas, like wells in a 96 well micro plate, My Java
programming skills are limited to writing Hello world only, Thanks so much
in advance, the above modifications will help me to make up a free online
diagnostic tool of Plant viral infections for farmers use, thanks Samuel,
Virologist, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore, India

On 10/4/05, Martin du Saire <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Give this a try:
> string1 = "This ";
> string2 = "is a ";
> string3 = "sentence made up of";
> completeSentence = string1+string2+string3+" a bunch of strings.";
> print(completeSentence);
> Martin
> At 04:07 PM 10/3/2005, you wrote:
> >Dear Imagineers,
> >I have been a longtime user of NIH Image and Object Image and am now
> >making the leap to ImageJ. I have a set of macros which I am
> >converting to ImageJ and I need to figure out how to concatenate
> >three string variables into a single string.
> >
> >string1 + string 2 + string3
> >
> >I've checked the archives and the example macros and this wasn't
> >clear to me from those sources. What's the easiest way??
> >
> >Thanks for your assistance.
> >
> >Jeff Linn
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Re: Analyse>Surface Plot

Wayne Rasband
> Sir, the Analyse>Surface Plot draws a nice graph of my DIBA
> data, but the graph is in Black and white (1), what should I
> do to draw it in color ?

Add a color lookup table to the image, such as those found in the
Image>Lookup Tables menu.

>  (2) what should I do to draw it in
> color with shading depending on cutoff values (like less
> than 0.5 - green, more than 0.51 red)

You can create custom lookup tables using the Color>Edit LUT tool.

>  (3) what should I do
> to select multiple areas, like wells in a 96 well micro
> plate,

There is a dot blot analysis tutorial at

>  My Java programming skills are limited to writing
> Hello world only, Thanks so much in advance, the above
> modifications will help me to make up a free online
> diagnostic tool of Plant viral infections for farmers use,
> thanks Samuel, Virologist, Indian Institute of Horticultural
> Research, Bangalore, India

You will also want to check out the 3D Surface Plot plugin at

It works with all image types and you can interactively adjust
viewing angle, perspective, scale, lighting and smoothing.

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MRI/DICOM processing

Hello All,
I'm currently trying to render some MRI stacks of my
head.  I'm new to ImageJ and I've found the VolumeJ
plugin to do the rendering.  However, there is a lot
of noise in the images around the actual data (my
head).  Is there anything in ImageJ to filter out the
noise in an MRI?

Could anyone describe to me how they use ImageJ to
process MRI sets?  

Dave H
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Re: Analyse>Surface Plot

In reply to this post by dksamuel
When will imageJ support Java Advanced Imaging API ?

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Re: Analyse>Surface Plot

Wayne Rasband
> When will imageJ support Java Advanced Imaging API ?

ImageJ will never *require* JAI but users are free to write plugins
that use JAI.
