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Morgiane Richard
Dear all,
I am a new user of imageJ and I would like to be able to import multiple text images, and then save then as tiff files.
There is a batchimport, but it does not work (It opens the files as text files and not text images) and also if I use the command import raw, it does not give the image I want!
Is there any pluggin that would allow for importing as text images and saving in a different format a stack of text files?
Thank you,
Morgiane Richard
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Re: Multiple text images

Wayne Rasband
> I am a new user of imageJ and I would like to be able to import
> multiple text images, and then save then as tiff files.
> There is a batchimport, but it does not work (It opens the files as
> text files and not text images) and also if I use the command import
> raw, it does not give the image I want!

Use the File>Import>Text Image command to open a text image or

     run("Text Image... ", "open=["+path+"]");

in a macro. To batch convert text images to tiff files, use a macro
something like this:

       dir1 = getDirectory("Choose Source Directory ");
       dir2 = getDirectory("Choose Destination Directory ");
       list = getFileList(dir1);
       for (i=0; i<list.length; i++) {
           showProgress(i+1, list.length);
           run("Text Image... ", "open=["+dir1+list[i]+"]");
           saveAs("tif", dir2+list[i]);
