Dear ImageJ community,
we are pleased to announce a new follow-up volume "Advanced Methods" of our ImageJ-based textbook series on "Principles of Digital Image Processing". This 3rd volume contains an in-depth, algorithmic treatment of several classic topics including
- automatic thresholding,
- filters for color Images,
- edge detection in color images,
- edge-preserving smoothing filters,
- Fourier shape descriptors,
- scale-invariant local features (SIFT).
As usual, the corresponding Java/ImageJ source code (with many example plugins) is freely available to everbody, including a complete scale space and SIFT implementation that was newly developed from ground up. Note that we also restructured our source code by merging all core classes into a single JAR file and putting ImageJ plugins into corresponding Java packages. (Thanks to Wayne for making this possible!)
For all details and downloads please visit to technical difficulties, our web site had to be rehosted recently and we apologize for any inconveniences in this context. We hope that our newly designed site is stable and users find the material helpful. Please feel free to send comments and suggestions.
With kind regards,
Wilhelm Burger & Mark J. Burge
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