Archive of ImageJ version jars?

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Archive of ImageJ version jars?

Stein Rørvik
There is currently an archive of the ImageJ source versions at

Is there any corresponding archive of the compiled jar-files matching these source versions?
E.g. ij152b.jar as compiled from

One would expect to find this in the folder
but that has not been updated since v1.49

Yes I know I can compile the source myself but I am not a programmer so I would not be able to make sure
that the results will the same as the distributed versions.

The reason I ask is that I have a measurement macro that no longer produces the exact same results as an earlier measurement.
The difference is obviously due to rounding, as the ROI has shifted one pixel. The ROI was set based on float boundaries.
I just need to document at which version the change happened.


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Re: Archive of ImageJ version jars?

Jan Eglinger
Hi Stein,

ij.jar versions 1.48r and later can be found on Maven Central:


On 21.01.2019 11:48, Stein Rørvik wrote:

> There is currently an archive of the ImageJ source versions at
> Is there any corresponding archive of the compiled jar-files matching these source versions?
> E.g. ij152b.jar as compiled from
> One would expect to find this in the folder
> but that has not been updated since v1.49
> Yes I know I can compile the source myself but I am not a programmer so I would not be able to make sure
> that the results will the same as the distributed versions.
> The reason I ask is that I have a measurement macro that no longer produces the exact same results as an earlier measurement.
> The difference is obviously due to rounding, as the ROI has shifted one pixel. The ROI was set based on float boundaries.
> I just need to document at which version the change happened.
> Stein
> --
> ImageJ mailing list:

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Re: Archive of ImageJ version jars?

Curtis Rueden
In reply to this post by Stein Rørvik
Hi all,

> ij.jar versions 1.48r and later can be found on Maven Central

And older versions have been deployed to the ImageJ Maven repository. The
following link aggregates them all in one place:


Curtis Rueden
LOCI software architect -
ImageJ2 lead, Fiji maintainer -
Have you tried the Forum?

On Mon, Jan 21, 2019 at 5:59 AM Jan Eglinger <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi Stein,
> ij.jar versions 1.48r and later can be found on Maven Central:
> Cheers
> Jan
> On 21.01.2019 11:48, Stein Rørvik wrote:
> > There is currently an archive of the ImageJ source versions at
> >
> >
> > Is there any corresponding archive of the compiled jar-files matching
> these source versions?
> > E.g. ij152b.jar as compiled from
> >
> > One would expect to find this in the folder
> >
> > but that has not been updated since v1.49
> >
> > Yes I know I can compile the source myself but I am not a programmer so
> I would not be able to make sure
> > that the results will the same as the distributed versions.
> >
> > The reason I ask is that I have a measurement macro that no longer
> produces the exact same results as an earlier measurement.
> > The difference is obviously due to rounding, as the ROI has shifted one
> pixel. The ROI was set based on float boundaries.
> > I just need to document at which version the change happened.
> >
> > Stein
> >
> > --
> > ImageJ mailing list:
> >
> --
> ImageJ mailing list:

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