Hi Daniel,
if you are using an external editor for plugins (I also do this), why
do you also have the .java file open in ImageJ? Simply select
"Compile and Run" from the plugins menu of the ImageJ main window and
the file compiled last will be selected in the file browser anyhow
(merely type <RETURN> to compile it again).
Nevertheless, I have a suggestion to making this more comfortable:
Having "Compile and Run" going the "plugins" directory instead of the
ImageJ directory by default (after ImageJ has been started).
On 8 Sep 2009, at 16:54, Daniel Kalthoff wrote:
> When developing plugins, I like to have the .java-file open in
> ImageJ to test the current version every now and then. For code
> editing, however, I am using a different editor (with syntax-
> highlighting, etc). It's quite annoying that for every simple
> modification of the code, I have to reload the file within ImageJ.
> Is there a chance to make ImageJ automatically reload the file when
> it's changed? May be in the next version?
> Thanks,
> Daniel