.----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Fabio Remondino <
[hidden email]>
Sent: Monday, July 6, 2009 11:26:21 PM
Subject: Architectural Image-Based Modeling Web Portal
******** Architectural Image-Based Web Portal
http://www.map.archi.fr/aibm/Image-Based Modeling allows creating 3D models from photographs of real scenes.
In particular, if applied to architecture, this solution is suited to document and survey historical buildings current conditions, to give support to researchers, to generate documents for general public and to produce 3D models for visualization purposes.
Dealing with either theoretical aspects, methodology or practical applications, we have created a web portal with the aim of gathering contributions from researchers, teachers as well as students, about 2D and 3D buildings reconstruction and representation from simple images.
The portal contains scientific articles, student experiences, tutorials, image and video gallery as well as web resources.
Anyone can submit contributions related to Architectural Image-based Modeling writing and email to
[hidden email]
We apologize for any cross-posting of the announcement and we would appreciate if you could circulate the announcement to all the possible interested people.
Best regards,
the Editorial committee
Livio De Luca, MAP-Gamsau Laboratory, France
Matthieu Deveau, MAP-Gamsau Laboratory, France
Denis Gliksman, La grange numérique, France
Jean-Luc Martinez, Image Institute, France
Stephane Nullans, Autodesk Inc., USA
Fabio Remondino, FBK Trento, Italy
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