Use the command recorder to generate code to run the File>Import>Raw
command. This code, generated by the recorder, opens a 32-bit raw
run("Raw...", "open=[/Users/wayne/ct.raw] image=[32-bit Real] width=888
height=495 offset=0 number=1 gap=0");
Use string concatenation to pass variables to the run() function. This
example makes the path, width and height variables:
path = getDirectory("home")+"ct.raw";
width = 888;
height = 495;
run("Raw...", "open=["+path+"] image=[32-bit Real] width="+width+"
height="+height+" offset=0 number=1 gap=0");
On Jun 18, 2007, at 11:33 AM, Jörg Hammel wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I´m new to programming ImageJ plugins and didn´t manage to solve the
> following problem. I couldn’t find a solution in the archive of the
> mailing
> list and among the published plugins and macros.
> I want to batch process a number of images (raw files 32 bit float) in
> a
> folder, apply new min and max values to the image, and save them in a
> new
> folder as bmp files. I never managed to get the import raw command
> running
> in my batch process plugin/ or macro without getting a prompt to click
> “select” for each of the images. Probably there is a simply solution.
> Thanks …
> Jörg Hammel