Bio7 2.1 with ImageJ 1.49t released

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Bio7 2.1 with ImageJ 1.49t released

Dear ImageJ users,

I released a new version of the OpenSource software Bio7. The application Bio7 is an integrated development environment for ecological modelling, scientific image analysis and statistical analysis.

Overview Video:

Download at:

Highlights of the 2.x release are:

*Integration of the Eclipse JDT toolchain.
*Dynamic compilation of Java files from the JDT editor.
*Embedded JavaFX SceneBuilder in Bio7. Creation of JavaFX GUI and
  execution at runtime in Bio7 possible.
*Now compatible with all available Eclipse plugins (e.g., WindowBuilder).
*Improved the embedded R statistic GUI interface.
*R editor now with syntactical analysis and many new functions.
*New methods to transfer ImageJ data directly to R or vice versa.
* ImageJ images can now be transferred to an extra view (double-right-click on the tab)
*Integration of Py4J to transfer Java data to CPython.
*PyDev ready if a more powerful Python editor is needed (interpretation
  in Bio7 or PyDev process possible).

Release Notes 2.0, 2.1:

Bio7 Documentation and Videos:

Bio7 YouTube

Bio7 Documentation

Please note that a MacOSX release is planned for the next Eclipse 4.5 release.