TrackMate Model Renderer broken ?

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TrackMate Model Renderer broken ?


today after some time I tried to do some tracking with Trackmate ( again.
I am usually building the Trackmate model from scratch with a jython script using data from a custom segmentation. I am no longer able to display (or animate) the tracking results via

sm = SelectionModel(model)
view = HyperStackDisplayer(model, sm)
# Display tracks as comets                                                                                                                                      
view.setDisplaySettings('TrackDisplaymode', 1)
view.setDisplaySettings('TrackDisplayDepth', 10)


The tracking itself seems to be ok, and I am seeing the very first image of the model (violet spots with yellow stripes), but as soon as I want to scroll forward in time, the hyperstack display turns completely black. When I then scroll back to the very first image, it also turned completely black.

Here is a minimal dummy script that produces that odd behavior for me: 

I am on ImageJ 149s (Fiji) on Mac OS 10.10.

Any help appreciated !

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Re: TrackMate Model Renderer broken ?

Hi again,

so the problem seems to be with the 'empty' HyperStackDisplayer. When I call the displayer with

view = HyperStackDisplayer(model, sm,orig)

as opposed to

view = HyperStackDisplayer(model, sm)

it works. Now I just have to create an empty Stack 'orig' with the right dimensions I guess ?!
