Dear ImageJ users,
I released a new version of the OpenSource software Bio7. The application Bio7 is an integrated development environment for ecological modeling, scientific image analysis and statistical analysis.
Overview Video: at:
http://bio7.orgThe release is available for Windows, Linux and MacOSX (simultaneous release).
New features:
- Based on Eclipse 4.5 (Mars)
- Updated ImageJ to 1.49u
- Updated R to version 3.2.1
- Improvements for the final MacOSX release (GUI, etc.)
- HTML editor has now an enabled “Outline” view (with the help of a HTML parser)
- New feature and action (main toolbar) to create
knitr HTML reports easily (just add R commands in a
HTML div layer which can be created with the knitr action in the GUI HTML editor toolbar). ImageJ
images can be transferred to R and then plotted in the report, too.
- R packages can be created and compiled now more easily when downloaded from a GIT repository.
- Added default knitr HTML preferences
- Added more R editor preferences
- Updated all scientific libraries for Java (Commons Math, etc.)
- Improved the dynamic invocation of the Java main method (now an empty string is passed like in
- Updated the Groovy interpreter
Simply unzip the archive of Bio7 2.2 (Windows, Linux) in your preferred OS location. The Mac version can be installed easily with the available *.dmg file installer.
Linux only: R and Rserve have to be installed. Please install Rserve in cooperative mode for Bio7: sudo PKG_CPPFLAGS=-DCOOPERATIVE R CMD INSTALL Rserve_1.8-1.tar.gz