> On Jun 28, 2015, at 8:55 PM, Rasband, Wayne (NIH/NIMH) [E] <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I am segmenting a stack of 90 MRI images using the K-means tool plugin (it is a part of this Toolkit plugin). The 32-bit version does not seem to be able to run that many images. Therefore, I downloaded the 64-bit version and downloaded the toolkit. However, this 64-bit version seems to run the 1.6.0. Java and I cannot use these plugins.
> Could you guys suggest something? Is the 64-bit version updatable to Java 1.7?
There are ImageJ distributions for Mac and Windows bundled with 64-bit Java 1.8.0_45 on the ImageJ website at <
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