Canvas size

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Canvas size

Colin Sturm
I have a macro that reads width and height of a selected image from a
drop down dialog.
I want to pass the width and height to the canvas resizer with a
different value.
The macro recorder gives me:
run("Canvas Size...", "width=125 height=65 position=Bottom-Center");

I want:
run("Canvas Size...", "width=w height=h position=Bottom-Center");

Is there anyway to pass variables to built-in functions?
Or is there an easier way for me to resize my image than my current method?

Colin Sturm
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Re: Canvas size

Michael Doube-2

run("Canvas Size...", "width="+w+" height="+h+" position=Bottom-Center");

should work


Colin Sturm wrote:

> I have a macro that reads width and height of a selected image from a
> drop down dialog.
> I want to pass the width and height to the canvas resizer with a
> different value.
> The macro recorder gives me:
> run("Canvas Size...", "width=125 height=65 position=Bottom-Center");
> I want:
> w=getWidth();
> h=getHeight()+1;
> run("Canvas Size...", "width=w height=h position=Bottom-Center");
> Is there anyway to pass variables to built-in functions?
> Or is there an easier way for me to resize my image than my current
> method?
> Thanks
> Colin Sturm

Michael Doube  BPhil BVSc MRCVS
PhD Student
Dental Institute
Queen Mary, University of London
New Rd
London  E1 1BB
United Kingdom

Phone +44 (0)20 7377 7000 ext 2681