Capture and measure images from DVD

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Capture and measure images from DVD

Trudi White
Dear All,

I am charged with a project using ImageJ . While my company has used some very ImageJ basic functions, the former users are no longer here. Additionally, the features are powerful and it is appparent that more can be accomplished in a more efficient manner.

I am a data manager and can provide specs for what I want to do and hope someone member of the list can provide remedial instructions.
Could you please provide help with specific instructions for the following (ideal) scenario of data capture from DVD images?

In this project I will receive aprox 200 unique (subject) DVDs of surgery for which the steps are to:
1) Identify and capture still images from the DVDs
2) Save the images, by a unique identifier in the most efficient way - (Is it correct to expect this to be a stack for each subject)
3) Measure pixels/10mm for later use in analysis as a ratio
4) Use the elliptical tool to measure two ROIs of each image in each stack
*for QC purposes, measurements must be taken 3x for each ROI*
5) Output each subject's dataset into .xls format

Thank you very much,
Trudi White