you can install the following macro in the StartupMacros.txt file and then
use 'F1' to open any image and give it a lower-left origin.
macro "Open with inverted Y [F1]" {
run("Properties...", "pixel_height=-1 origin=0,"+h);
On Feb 20, 2008 12:29 AM, Andy Puckett <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Is there a way to change the default pixel origin in ImageJ, from
> upper-left to lower-left? I would
> need for this to be completely transparent to the user. I should be able
> to set-it-and-forget-it, and
> the users who come after me should be able to open many images of
> differing sizes over the coming
> months with the new origin and without trouble.
> (The default in FITS images is that the origin is in the lower-left. I
> have noticed that going to Image
> > Properties and changing Pixel Height to "-1.0" and Origin to "0,512" for
> an Nx512 image will work
> temporarily, but what if I then go to a larger image?)
> Thanks,
> Andy