Color area

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Color area

Marco Coan
Hello to everybody,
does anyone know the way to measure the percentage of different colors
(or different areas) in a rgb image? I'm working on food (meat
particularly) and i'm trying to discriminate the different oxydation
state in a beef slice. Thank you.

dr.Marco Coan
Food Science Department
Udine University - Italy
via Marangoni, 97, 33100 - Udine

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AW: Color area

Barthel, Kai Uwe
You can use the 3D Color Inspector plugin
Use the histogram or color quantization mode and press on the LUT button.


> Betreff: Color area
> Hello to everybody,
> does anyone know the way to measure the percentage of different colors
> (or different areas) in a rgb image? I'm working on food (meat
> particularly) and i'm trying to discriminate the different oxydation
> state in a beef slice. Thank you.
> dr.Marco Coan
> Food Science Department
> Udine University - Italy
> via Marangoni, 97, 33100 - Udine
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Re: Color area

Marco Coan
I tried with this plugin, but how i can measure (%) the different
coloured areas?

2006/8/8, Barthel, Kai Uwe <[hidden email]>:

> You can use the 3D Color Inspector plugin
> Use the histogram or color quantization mode and press on the LUT button.
> Kai
> > Betreff: Color area
> >
> > Hello to everybody,
> > does anyone know the way to measure the percentage of different colors
> > (or different areas) in a rgb image? I'm working on food (meat
> > particularly) and i'm trying to discriminate the different oxydation
> > state in a beef slice. Thank you.
> >
> > dr.Marco Coan
> > Food Science Department
> > Udine University - Italy
> > via Marangoni, 97, 33100 - Udine
> >

Ai sensi del D.Lgs. 196/2003 si precisa che le informazioni contenute
in questo messaggio sono riservate ed a uso esclusivo del
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errore, La invitiamo ad eliminarlo senza copiarlo e a non inoltrarlo a
terzi, dandocene gentilmente
comunicazione. Grazie.

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Re: Color area

Dimiter Prodanov
In reply to this post by Marco Coan

The color area is the number of pixels having the specified value RGB
So you can simply check the color histogram.
Can you specify your question?


Dr Dimiter Prodanov, MD, Ph.D.

Neural Engineering Rehabilitation Laboratory
(Laboratoire de Génie de la Réhabilitation Neurale)
Département de Physiologie et Pharmacologie
Université catholique de Louvain
Avenue Hippocrate, 54
POBox UCL-5446 / B-1200 Bruxelles -Belgique-
Phone: 00-322-764 5596
Fax: 00-322-764 9422