Contrast enhance

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Contrast enhance

Juanjo Vega

I'm developing a plugin to read a file format. When the file is opened it shows a stack with all the slices appearing to be saturated and I want to normalize it.

In order to do that, I used the macro recorder, and finally I'm using, "Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.4 normalize normalize_all use").

The problem is that it doesn't work in the way I expected: It seems that it gets the current slice min and max values to set them for the rest of slices.

I also tried "resetMinAndMax()" but no luck neither.

How can I programmatically normalize a stack with it's global min and max values? Maybe I should stretch the histogram?... I'm not sure and didn't find any helpful plugin.



Juanjo Vega ([hidden email])

Unidad de Biocomputación. Laboratorio B-13.
Centro Nacional de Biotecnología. CNB-CSIC.
C\ Darwin, 3. Campus de Cantoblanco.
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
28049, Madrid, Spain.

+34 91 585 4510

"Las mejores almas son capaces de los mayores vicios como de las mayores
virtudes, y aquellos que caminan despacio por el camino recto pueden
llegar más lejos que los que corren pero se apartan de él." - Discurso
del Método, René Descartes.