On Oct 6, 2010, at 11:56 AM, Zian Fanti wrote:
> Hello, i try to made a plugin to do some operations between images and then
> auto adjust the brigth and contrast. For the latter I use the function
> stretchHistogram in the class ContrastEnhancer. The resulting image is
> displayed correctly (with the brigth and contrast enhanced) but the pixels
> value don't change. The question is how can apply the enhance in the pixels
> vlues? I figured out I Have to do some update or something like that, but I
> can't find how.
> This is the code:
> ImageProcessor subtracted = imp_1.getProcessor().duplicate();
> ImageProcessor ip_2 = imp_2.getProcessor();
> subtracted.copyBits(ip_2, 0, 0, Blitter.SUBTRACT);
> ContrastEnhancer enhancer = new ContrastEnhancer();
> enhancer.stretchHistogram(subtracted, 0.5);
> ImagePlus imp_3 = new ImagePlus(null, subtracted);
> imp_3.show();
You can generate the needed code by using the Process>Enhance Contrast command with the recorder running. This is what it looks like:
IJ.run(imp, "Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.5 normalize");