Convert Text to image

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Convert Text to image

Jude Abbey




 I am working on a project with images and ImageJ have being so useful. I am
trying to convert the text produced by save as from the file menu in image J
back to an image but it doesn't seem to work.

Do any one know id that is suppose to work that way? How I can do that -
convert / save a text into an image?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

 Jude A.

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Re: Convert Text to image

Robert Baer

If I understand your issue, you want File | Import  | text Image


> Hello,
> I am working on a project with images and ImageJ have being so useful. I
> am
> trying to convert the text produced by save as from the file menu in image
> J
> back to an image but it doesn't seem to work.
> Do any one know id that is suppose to work that way? How I can do that -
> convert / save a text into an image?
> Any help will be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you
> Jude A.
> Canada.