Converting and overlay in Image5D to RGB

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Converting and overlay in Image5D to RGB

Andrew Vaughan-2
Dear All.

I've been attempting to convert 4-colour overlays in Image5D to RGB
stacks but I haven't had much luck. It seems I can do this with colour
overlays of single slices, or with stacks of individual channels
(greyscale or false-coloured), but any attempt to convert colour
overlays of stacks results in corrupted images at every plane. It looks
as if the hardware or software cannot render the overlays fast enough.
Is this an intractable problem? I have a PowerPC running OS X 10.3.9
with a dual 450 MHz processor, 768 MB RAM and 64 MB of VRAM.

Yours faithfully

Andrew Vaughan.
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Re: Converting and overlay in Image5D to RGB

Joachim Walter

what exactly are you doing to convert? Are you using the "Image5D Stack
to RGB" plugin (in Plugins->Image5D)? On my PC (WinXP) that works.

Best Regards,

Andrew Vaughan schrieb:

> Dear All.
> I've been attempting to convert 4-colour overlays in Image5D to RGB
> stacks but I haven't had much luck. It seems I can do this with colour
> overlays of single slices, or with stacks of individual channels
> (greyscale or false-coloured), but any attempt to convert colour
> overlays of stacks results in corrupted images at every plane. It
> looks as if the hardware or software cannot render the overlays fast
> enough. Is this an intractable problem? I have a PowerPC running OS X
> 10.3.9 with a dual 450 MHz processor, 768 MB RAM and 64 MB of VRAM.
> Yours faithfully
> Andrew Vaughan.

Dr. Joachim Walter

c\o BioImaging Zentrum
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Re: Converting and overlay in Image5D to RGB

Andrew Vaughan-2
In reply to this post by Andrew Vaughan-2
In reply to Joachim's post, I was opening LIF files from a Leica confocal using the Bioformats
importer. The stacks had four fluorescent channels (interleaved) and 30 Z slices. I used the 'Stack
to Image5D' plugin to create an Image5D (swapping the third and fourth dimension over to
compensate for the fact that the channels were interleaved). I used the default colours and
selected 'ovl' to get the overlay. I then selected the 'Image5D to RGB' plugin from the Image5D
item in plugins.


Andrew Vaughan.