Thanks everyone who replied! I have now downloaded the cell counter plugin and am happily counting my shark papillae with ease!
Thomas Boudier <
[hidden email]> wrote: Hello Carla,
You cant use the point selection tool to count your spots, you can also
try my Fish3Dplugin to try to automate your countins and analysis.
Carla Atkinson a écrit :
> Hi I am brand new to Image J and have a simple task question that I can't
> work out!
> I basically have lots of spots in an image and I need to count them. I want
> to know if and how I can count them using the program if possible.
> Thanks heaps - will save me loads of time if anyone can help!
Thomas Boudier, MCU Université Paris 6,
UMR 7101 / IFR 83. Bat A 328, Jussieu.
Tel : 01 44 27 35 78 Fax : 01 44 27 25 08
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