I want to partially open a huge Hyperstack which consists of many frames and 3 color channels.
I do the following:
width = 1004
height = 1002
NFrames = 2
HS = IJ.createHyperStack('PartialStack',width,height,3,1,NFrames,16)
stack = HS.getStack()
orig = IJ.openImage(path+name)
o_stack = orig.getStack()
print o_stack.getSize()
print stack.getSize()
print orig.getDimensions()
for sliceIndex in range(1,2*NFrames +1):
c = sliceIndex%3
if c == 0:
c = 3
print 'slice ',sliceIndex,c
ip = o_stack.getProcessor(sliceIndex)
imp = ImagePlus('channel' + str(c),ip)
print HS.getCompositeMode()
print HS.isComposite()
As a results, I get correctly a Hyperstack with the correct dimensions. The Problem is, that the Channels are somehow merged LUT-wise. So when I measure the distinct channels, I think the results are correct, but I see merged Channels (1-3). So we loose the visual information which is bad. I think somehow the LUTs get merged, but I do not know how to control/fix this.