DNA damage foci detection by 'Focipicker 3d plugin'

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DNA damage foci detection by 'Focipicker 3d plugin'



I am trying to count the number of h2ax foci in the nuclei of cells. I tried to use the ''foci picker 3d plugin'' it works fine, but it calculates the foci of all cells in my image. I need to count foci per cell, so how can I do it??

I tried selecting a single cell by 'Rectangle tool' and then running the plugin, but it still calculates for the all the cells.. any ideas??

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Re: DNA damage foci detection by 'Focipicker 3d plugin'

Dear Pavan,

You could analyse each cell individually by duplicating a selection of each cell. Draw your ROI before you do the analysis. Duplicate (Image > Duplicate) and select Duplicate Stack, followed by your analysis.

Best wishes


Dr Ir K.R. Straatman
Senior Experimental Officer
Advanced Imaging Facility
Centre for Core Biotechnology Services
University of Leicester

-----Original Message-----
From: ImageJ Interest Group [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of pavanbn
Sent: 22 May 2014 11:51
To: [hidden email]
Subject: DNA damage foci detection by 'Focipicker 3d plugin'


I am trying to count the number of h2ax foci in the nuclei of cells. I tried to use the ''foci picker 3d plugin'' it works fine, but it calculates the foci of all cells in my image. I need to count foci per cell, so how can I do it??

I tried selecting a single cell by 'Rectangle tool' and then running the plugin, but it still calculates for the all the cells.. any ideas??


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Re: DNA damage foci detection by 'Focipicker 3d plugin'


Thank you kees,

Now I can select each nuclei and then count the foci with the focipicker plugin. It does take a lot of work, let me try to see if using PZfociEZ may be faster.
