Diameter and perimeter measurements

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Diameter and perimeter measurements

Hi All,

I was trying to use ImageJ to measure "diameter" and "perimeter" of cells in an image.
For diameter, I tried to draw straight line across the center of the cell and then <CTRL-M> for the results window..to find out that it shows exact same values for both the "length" and "perimeter".

Obviously the diameter mesurment is not given by "length" of line across the center of cells.
Is there any other way to actually measure the diameter of cell in image?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Diameter and perimeter measurements

Ruszkai Ákos

On 1 October 2010 23:55, hemangi
<[hidden email]>wrote:

> Hi All,
> I was trying to use ImageJ to measure "diameter" and "perimeter" of cells
> in
> an image.
For diameter, I tried to draw straight line across the center of the cell
> and then <CTRL-M> for the results window..to find out that it shows exact
> same values for both the "length" and "perimeter".

If I get it right, you're not using any of the "analyze particles" menu
options. To use that, you need to threshold your image, as the tooltip says.
After that, you can set up measurement options under "Analyze". When you're
all set, you can use the Analyze particles menu option to measure your

> Is there any other way to actually measure the diameter of cell in image?

Might not be properly what you want, but the maximum and minimum Feret
diameter might just work for you.


Ákos Ruszkai