Hi Juan Francisco,
The following macro measures the selection and includes the patient's name
as the row label. Install this macro, and press 'F1' to run it. Change the
DICOM tag to get another info.
macro 'MeasureWithDicomTagLabel [F1]' {
info = getImageInfo();
i = indexOf(info,"0010,0010");
if (i==-1) { label = "no name";}
else { label = substring(info,i+10,indexOf(info,"\n",i)); }
run ("Measure");
setResult("Label", nResults-1, label);
updateResults; }
On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 7:40 PM, Juan Francisco <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Dear all:
> I´m working with dicom images and ImageJ. Please:
> is there some way to include specifics dicom tags on the Measure Results
> window? For instance, how the tag corresponding to the patient´s name can be
> appears on the Measure Results window.
> Thank you very much!!!