Differance Between Executable and After Source Code Compilation

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Differance Between Executable and After Source Code Compilation

Mehmet Ali Abbasoğlu
Dear All,

I am a student from Bilkent University, Turkey. We decided to investigate
and improve your program imageJ in "Aspect Oriented Software Development"
course. We need to compile imageJ's source code and make a demonstration of
the starting point of the software. But in executable we have more improved
version of the program then the after source code compilation ones. In my
executable it says that its version is "1.42q". When I try the "1.42q"
version source code, my program is missing some tools in my tool switcher.

I need the source code beyond the executable, because when we take this
course we said that we will work on that "executable" version of the

So, I need help.

I'm waiting for any kind of explanation.

Tanks anyway.


Mehmet Ali Abbasoğlu.
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Re: Differance Between Executable and After Source Code Compilation

Wayne Rasband
On Dec 5, 2009, at 2:40 PM, Mehmet Ali Abbasoğlu wrote:

 > Dear All,
 > I am a student from Bilkent University, Turkey. We decided
 > to investigate and improve your program imageJ in "Aspect
 > Oriented Software Development" course. We need to compile
 > imageJ's source code and make a demonstration of the
 > starting point of the software. But in executable we have
 > more improved version of the program then the after source
 > code compilation ones. In my executable it says that its
 > version is "1.42q". When I try the "1.42q" version source
 > code, my program is missing some tools in my tool switcher.
 > I need the source code beyond the executable, because when
 > we take this course we said that we will work on that
 > "executable" version of the program.

The 8 tools on the right side of the toolbar are defined by macros in  
the StartupMacros file, which is in the ImageJ/macros folder of the  
standard ImageJ distribution, and on the ImageJ website at


The toolsets accessed using the ">>" tool switcher are in the  
ImageJ>macros>toolsets folder in the standard distribution, and on the  
ImageJ website at

