On Dec 5, 2009, at 2:40 PM, Mehmet Ali Abbasoğlu wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am a student from Bilkent University, Turkey. We decided
> to investigate and improve your program imageJ in "Aspect
> Oriented Software Development" course. We need to compile
> imageJ's source code and make a demonstration of the
> starting point of the software. But in executable we have
> more improved version of the program then the after source
> code compilation ones. In my executable it says that its
> version is "1.42q". When I try the "1.42q" version source
> code, my program is missing some tools in my tool switcher.
> I need the source code beyond the executable, because when
> we take this course we said that we will work on that
> "executable" version of the program.
The 8 tools on the right side of the toolbar are defined by macros in
the StartupMacros file, which is in the ImageJ/macros folder of the
standard ImageJ distribution, and on the ImageJ website at
http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/macros/StartupMacros.txtThe toolsets accessed using the ">>" tool switcher are in the
ImageJ>macros>toolsets folder in the standard distribution, and on the
ImageJ website at