Difference between binarizing an image using "Make Binary" and "Threshold"

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Difference between binarizing an image using "Make Binary" and "Threshold"

Hi, I am trying to binarize a stack of images using the Otsu's method. When I click process, then binary, then make binary" and chose Otsu, I get a different result then when I click image, then adjust, then threshold and choose Otsu. I am not sure why I am getting different results. When I use matlab to binarize using the Otsu method, I find my result is very close to the "threshold" result when the histogram bin size is 256 and my result is very close to the "make binary" result when I use a very small bin size like 16. Anyone knows the difference between the "make binary" and "threshold" process.

The "threshold" process allows you to see the bin size but the "make binary" does not seem to allow you to see the bin size. Anyone knows how to see the histogram bin size used in the "make binary" process?