I apologize if this has been discussed before, but I couldn't find anything
on it in the archives... I have been analyzing stacks by thresholding one
channel, then using the Analyze Particles and Redirect to measure the
intensities in the other channel. This works great, but I noticed a
discrepancy... In the Analyze Particles window I have it add the particles
to the ROI manager during the process. I have discovered if I then use the
ROI's as they are in the manager, and measure with them, I get different
results than with Analyze Particles, even though they should theoretically
be identical. Do these two operations calculate Area differently? Here is an
example- the first 3 lines are from Analyze Particles, and the second 3 from
ROI manager>Measure
Area Mean Perim. Circ. XStart YStart
1 29465 870.01 2422.21 0.06 226 133
2 54 413.93 33.46 0.61 432 228
3 66 510.27 41.11 0.49 360 350
14 30707 853.85 2422.21 0.07 1 0
15 54 413.93 33.46 0.61 1 0
16 74 507.65 41.11 0.55 1 0
Thanks for your help!