On Jan 28, 2009, at 4:34 PM, Christophe Leterrier wrote:
> I have a problem on my laptop :
> it is a new unibody macbook (Core 2 Duo) with OS X 10.5.6
> using IJ 1.42g running under Java 1.6.0_07
> I get a very random behavior when trying to change checkboxes in
> dialog windows (I tested with Edit > Options > Appearance, and Analyze
>> Set Measurements). I have to click several times to check a box, and
> sometimes it unchecks other boxes. Moreover, the checkboxes changes
> are never saved. This is a problem that affects only checkboxes, not
> text fields input for exemple.
> It also happens when i switch from Java 6.0 (64bits) to Java 5.0 (32
> bits) in the Java preferences, causing ImageJ to run with Java
> 1.5.0_16
> Did anyone moticed such behavior ?
This problem is related to the optional "Tap to Click" feature on
MacBooks and MacBook Pros. It is the first item on the list of known
Mac OS X problems at
http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/docs/install/osx.html#bugsYou can work around it by clicking on the track pad instead of
tapping on it. You can encourage Apple to fix it by submitting a bug
report at