Displaying a specific image from Batch Mode...

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Displaying a specific image from Batch Mode...

Hi all,

I love the batch mode. I want to be able to show up only one image from the set of images open in the batch mode. Is is possible to do it without using "display and exit" option? I want all the other images to remain hidden from the user, but I don't want to close them because they are used as input for another macro.

Thanks for your help!
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manual object separation

ALEMBIC | Cesare
Dear List,
I'm performing an automatic particle counting (with threshold, watershed
filters, analyze particles,... etc).

My simple question is:
Anyway sometimes I would separate manually two objects not resolved: can
I make a simple manual separation for slightly overlapping i.e. just
drawing a line between two fused objects? Is there some plugin for that?

Thank you in advance!

All the best for all of you


Dr. Cesare Covino
Biologist - Light Microscopy Coordinator
Advanced Light and Electron Microscopy BioImaging Center
San Raffaele Scientific Institute
via Olgettina 58, 20132 - Milano - Italy
Tel +39-022643-4636(others -4640, -4641)
Fax +39-022643-4813
e-mail: [hidden email]
ALEMBIC webpage: www.sanraffaele.org/research/alembic


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Re: manual object separation

Eric BADEL-2
Hi Cesare,
I my automatic macro, I often propose an option for manual correction.
Just after your watershed or just before your analyse, you can propose a
manual correction adding theses lines:

title2 = "Manual correction of the image";
msg2 = "If you need to correct the image use the color picker and Pencil
Tools (or any other tool). Then, when the image is ready for analyse
click \"OK\".";
waitForUser(title2, msg2); // correct the image

Cesare -ALEMBIC- a écrit :

> Dear List,
> I'm performing an automatic particle counting (with threshold,
> watershed filters, analyze particles,... etc).
> My simple question is:
> Anyway sometimes I would separate manually two objects not resolved:
> can I make a simple manual separation for slightly overlapping i.e.
> just drawing a line between two fused objects? Is there some plugin
> for that?
> Thank you in advance!
> All the best for all of you
> /Cesare/
> _________________________________________________________________________________
> Dr. Cesare Covino
> Biologist - Light Microscopy Coordinator
> Advanced Light and Electron Microscopy BioImaging Center
> San Raffaele Scientific Institute
> DIBIT 1  S2A3
> via Olgettina 58, 20132 - Milano - Italy
> Tel +39-022643-4636(others -4640, -4641)
> Fax +39-022643-4813
> e-mail: [hidden email]
> ALEMBIC webpage: www.sanraffaele.org/research/alembic
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> La tua mano puo' lasciare un segno importante.
> Dona il tuo 5 per mille al San Raffaele di Milano.
> Basta indicare nell'apposito riquadro della dichiarazione dei redditi
> "Finanziamento della ricerca sanitaria"
> il codice fiscale della Fondazione Centro S. Raffaele del Monte Tabor:
> 03 06 42 80 153 e ricordarsi di firmare.
> Per saperne di piu':  [hidden email] o vai sul sito  
> http://www.5xmille.org.

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Re: manual object separation

Fabrice Senger
In reply to this post by ALEMBIC | Cesare
Cesare -ALEMBIC- a écrit :

> Dear List,
> I'm performing an automatic particle counting (with threshold,
> watershed filters, analyze particles,... etc).
> My simple question is:
> Anyway sometimes I would separate manually two objects not resolved:
> can I make a simple manual separation for slightly overlapping i.e.
> just drawing a line between two fused objects? Is there some plugin
> for that?
> Thank you in advance!
> All the best for all of you
> /Cesare/
> _________________________________________________________________________________
> Dr. Cesare Covino
> Biologist - Light Microscopy Coordinator
> Advanced Light and Electron Microscopy BioImaging Center
> San Raffaele Scientific Institute
> DIBIT 1  S2A3
> via Olgettina 58, 20132 - Milano - Italy
> Tel +39-022643-4636(others -4640, -4641)
> Fax +39-022643-4813
> e-mail: [hidden email]
> ALEMBIC webpage: www.sanraffaele.org/research/alembic
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> La tua mano puo' lasciare un segno importante.
> Dona il tuo 5 per mille al San Raffaele di Milano.
> Basta indicare nell'apposito riquadro della dichiarazione dei redditi
> "Finanziamento della ricerca sanitaria"
> il codice fiscale della Fondazione Centro S. Raffaele del Monte Tabor:
> 03 06 42 80 153 e ricordarsi di firmare.
> Per saperne di piu':  [hidden email] o vai sul sito  
> http://www.5xmille.org.

once your segmentation is done you might use analyze particles and add
your objects to the roi manager.
When done you can remove the roi's where the objects are touching and
draw, using whatever selection tool your object's, press "t" and the new
roi will be added to the manager.
Next, make your measurments.


Senger Fabrice