Draw an ROI around the object in ImageJ, and then scale it.

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Draw an ROI around the object in ImageJ, and then scale it.

Hello all,

I try to use ImageJ for a while and haven't figure out
how I can do this.

I have a small object inside a 120x120 image. Let says
the rectangle bounded around the small object is
25x25. I would like to scale up the 25x25 object to a
NEW 100x100 image.

May I know how I can do this in ImageJ?

Thank you.

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Re: Draw an ROI around the object in ImageJ, and then scale it.

Sorry guys. I had figured out how to do that. Is
through Image->Duplicate.


--- Cheok Yan Cheng <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I try to use ImageJ for a while and haven't figure
> out
> how I can do this.
> I have a small object inside a 120x120 image. Let
> says
> the rectangle bounded around the small object is
> 25x25. I would like to scale up the 25x25 object to
> a
> NEW 100x100 image.
> May I know how I can do this in ImageJ?
> Thank you.
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Re: Draw an ROI around the object in ImageJ, and then scale it.

In reply to this post by yccheok
Within a plugin, the sequence of commands is something like this:

//check for any images open first ! Then make a processor which is the
part of the image inside the ROI. If there is no ROI then the whole
processor will be copied:
ImageProcessor ip =
//then make a new image:
ImagePlus imp = new ImagePlus("the roi", ip);

That's all.


Albert Cardona
Institute of Neuroinformatics     Tel : +41 1 635 3052
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