Drawing smallest circumscribed rectangle (looking for plugin)

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Drawing smallest circumscribed rectangle (looking for plugin)

Marco Bravi
Dear All,

I am in need of characterising alimentary paste, such as rigatoni and
fusilli. My basic need would be to characterise 1. the two dimensions of
the smallest circumscribed rectangle to each piece of pasta and 2. the
length of the skeleton of each piece of pasta and the distance between
the tips thereof.

I was looking for a ImageJ plugins doing 1. and 2. (or a related piece
of stuff that I could adapt for those purposes).

I would appreciate any suggestion you may give me.

Regards from

                        Marco Bravi
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Re: Drawing smallest circumscribed rectangle (looking for plugin)

Gabriel Landini
On Tuesday 14 March 2006 10:13, Marco Bravi wrote:
> I am in need of characterising alimentary paste, such as rigatoni and
> fusilli. My basic need would be to characterise 1. the two dimensions of
> the smallest circumscribed rectangle to each piece of pasta and 2. the
> length of the skeleton of each piece of pasta and the distance between
> the tips thereof.

The smallest bounding rectangle can be calculated with something called
"rotating calipers algorithm". I am not aware of any plugin to do this.

I've been intending to modify Particles8_Plus plugin to analyse collections of
lines, but I haven't got anything definitive yet. An approximation to the
length of the skeleton that one can currently calculate is the number of
pixels in the skeleton.

The Particles8_Plus plugin returns a few parameters that may be of use,
including the
ArBBox = Feret*Breadth. This is the area of the Bounding Box along the maximum
Feret diameter, but it is not necessarily the minimal bounding box.


I hope it helps.

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Re: Drawing smallest circumscribed rectangle (looking for plugin)

Robert Dougherty
In reply to this post by Marco Bravi
You might look at Measure Roi.  It seems kind-of similar to some of the
things you are asking for.


Robert P. Dougherty, Ph.D.
President, OptiNav, Inc.
Phone (425) 467-1118
Fax (425) 467-1119

> -----Original Message-----
> From: ImageJ Interest Group [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of
> Marco Bravi
> Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 2:13 AM
> To: [hidden email]
> Subject: Drawing smallest circumscribed rectangle (looking for plugin)
> Dear All,
> I am in need of characterising alimentary paste, such as rigatoni and
> fusilli. My basic need would be to characterise 1. the two dimensions of
> the smallest circumscribed rectangle to each piece of pasta and 2. the
> length of the skeleton of each piece of pasta and the distance between
> the tips thereof.
> I was looking for a ImageJ plugins doing 1. and 2. (or a related piece
> of stuff that I could adapt for those purposes).
> I would appreciate any suggestion you may give me.
> Regards from
> Marco Bravi