Dynamic GIF image transfer to TIFF stack or static images

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Dynamic GIF image transfer to TIFF stack or static images


I would ask a question :

Is there any plug-in that could transfer dynamic .gif image to a TIFF stack,
or, simplily, split to static imges for TIFF making.

Thank you for help,

Ye Liang
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Re: Dynamic GIF image transfer to TIFF stack or static images

Ye Liang,
You can use the Animated Gif Reader plugin available at
and then save your stack as Tiff, or split it to single frames with
Image/Stacks/Convert Stack to Images.


On 2/12/07, yel <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I would ask a question :
> Is there any plug-in that could transfer dynamic .gif image to a TIFF
> or, simplily, split to static imges for TIFF making.
> Thank you for help,
> Ye Liang