Dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI analysis

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Dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI analysis

Barboriak, Daniel
Hi ImageJ mailing list,

We're happy to announce the availability of an ImageJ plugin to generate
parameter maps from T2- or T2*-weighted dynamic susceptibility MR imaging.  
The plugin is called DSCoMAN (for Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MR
Analysis)and is available at our lab website (
http://dblab.duhs.duke.edu/ ).

There are many alternative methods that have been proposed and implemented
to analyze this type of imaging and unfortunately we don't have the
resources to implement all of them ...

Because our lab is interested in dynamic susceptibility MR imaging in brain
tumors, we chose to begin by offering the Boxerman - Weisskoff method,
which was recently evaluated in this paper: Boxerman JL, Schmainda KM,
Weisskoff RM. Relative Cerebral Blood Volume Maps Corrected for Contrast
Agent Extravasation Significantly Correlate with Glioma Tumor Grade,
Whereas Uncorrected Maps do not. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2006;27:859-67

It is also possible to perform an admittedly rough estimate of relative
regional mean transit time and cerebral blood flow by estimating the mean
transit time as the first moment of the concentration time curve.

Best wishes,


Daniel Barboriak, MD
Duke University Medical Center