Excluding regions from greyscale profiles

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Excluding regions from greyscale profiles

I am trying to draw profiles along lines of 5-10 pixel width across crystals, but these crystals have cracks.  Where these cracks intersect the line, I would like imagej to ignore them, and average only over the width of the line that is not over the crack.  Is there a way of drawing round the cracks (and other defects), and to then exclude those regions from the profiles I draw?  The functions to do this with ROIs don't seem to work for lines.

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Re: Excluding regions from greyscale profiles

Hi - i have the same issue. Did you find a solution?


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Re: Excluding regions from greyscale profiles

Nathaniel Ryckman
In reply to this post by Fitzgabbro
I'm not exactly sure what you are asking. Do you have an image for an example that we could see?
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Re: Excluding regions from greyscale profiles

Here is an example:

The vertical white line is the profile I wish to draw. The brightness of the image is proportional to the chemical composition of the crystal, except where there are cracks.  I would like to draw round the cracks, and the get ImageJ to ignore the values of any pixels within those areas.
