Extracting information from other plugins

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Extracting information from other plugins

Michael Miller
Hello list,

I'm writing some plugins that do a lot of different types of analysis, and I'm interested in pulling a lot of information together from several sources. One small part in particularly (har har) I want to extract information from the ParticleAnalyzer.


While technically I could extend this class since a lot of the good stuff is protected, I really don't want to do that in this case because it's only a small amount of data compared to what I want to do on the whole -- it wouldn't be good OO design. The methods in place really seems like this class/PluginFilter wasn't designed to be subservient to other plugins, which I think is strange.

For example, I'm able to declare a new ResultsTable object and manipulate that as I need. Is there a trick to getting at the data (ie, particle count, average particle size, etc) that ParticleAnalyzer spits out? Or does it just depend on a class-by-class basis, which I can use directly or not? (obviously a PluginFilter wasn't designed in this way, albeit this is a particularly useful data hefty PluginFilter...)

Any advice on extracting info from this awesome plugin (from within another plugin) would be very appreciated. Even if it's a string of IJ.runMacro()... 's   ;-)

General advice for extracting info from other ImageJ classes/plugins that have already run would be very welcome as well. (I run a ProfilePlot, then I run my plugin.. is it possible for my plugin to get the data from the open ProfilePlot? I think the easy answer would be 'no' and to declare a new ProfilePlot from within my own plugin, and perform the analysis on the line ROI myself. Kudos to someone if they can explain another way to do this tho?)

Wayne, I want to thank you on the amazing tool.

If I'm missing something huge please don't be afraid to tell me to go back to school and take a certain class, or read a certain book :-)

Thanks all in advance.
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