ROI Manager : Other Question

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ROI Manager : Other Question

Another question about the ROI manager, which is a very powerfull yet poorly documented feature of ImageJ :

- what is the exact operation performed by "Combine" and "Split" when selecting multiple ROIs in the ROI manager ?

- In a stack, is the ROI added to the ROI manager related to the slice from where it has been added? If I do "Select" such a ROI in the manager, either manually or programmaticaly, will it recall just the ROI or will it jump also to the slices from where the ROI has been defined ? It seems to be the case, at least when done manually.

- what is exactly the way the ROI manager remembers on which slice is the ROI located ? It seems to have something to do with it's default name. If I "Add" a ROI from slice 2 of my stack, rename the ROI, and select it back it does'nt remember the slice anymore. So if I want to keep the link between the ROI and it's slice, I can't rename the ROI ? Or should I just keep the first stretch of digits (which seem to actually reflect the slice number) ?

Christophe Leterrier
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Re: ROI Manager : Other Question

Noam Harel
Can I add another ROI Manager question:

It seems that when ROIs in the manager are measured, the results table lists
them simply by number rather than the names that have been assigned. Is there a
way to get the results table to list ROI results by the name assigned in the

Thanks for everything,

Noam Harel

Noam Y. Harel, M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Research Scientist
Department of Neurology
Yale University School of Medicine
P.O. Box 208018
333 Cedar Street
New Haven, CT 06520

Quoting lechristophe <[hidden email]>:

> Another question about the ROI manager, which is a very powerfull yet poorly
> documented feature of ImageJ :
> - what is the exact operation performed by "Combine" and "Split" when
> selecting multiple ROIs in the ROI manager ?
> - In a stack, is the ROI added to the ROI manager related to the slice from
> where it has been added? If I do "Select" such a ROI in the manager, either
> manually or programmaticaly, will it recall just the ROI or will it jump
> also to the slices from where the ROI has been defined ? It seems to be the
> case, at least when done manually.
> - what is exactly the way the ROI manager remembers on which slice is the
> ROI located ? It seems to have something to do with it's default name. If I
> "Add" a ROI from slice 2 of my stack, rename the ROI, and select it back it
> does'nt remember the slice anymore. So if I want to keep the link between
> the ROI and it's slice, I can't rename the ROI ? Or should I just keep the
> first stretch of digits (which seem to actually reflect the slice number) ?
> Christophe Leterrier
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the ImageJ mailing list archive at
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Re: ROI Manager : Other Question

Wayne Rasband
> It seems that when ROIs in the manager are measured, the results table
> lists them simply by number rather than the names that have been
> assigned.  Is there a way to get the results table to list ROI results
> by
> the name assigned in the manager??

Check "Display Label" in the Analyze>Set Measurements dialog box.

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Re: ROI Manager : Other Question

Wayne Rasband
In reply to this post by lechristophe
Check out the improved ROI Manager documentation at


On Oct 31, 2006, at 9:39 AM, lechristophe wrote:

> Another question about the ROI manager, which is a very powerfull
> yet poorly documented feature of ImageJ :
> - what is the exact operation performed by "Combine" and "Split"
> when selecting multiple ROIs in the ROI manager ?
> - In a stack, is the ROI added to the ROI manager related to the slice  
> from
> where it has been added? If I do "Select" such a ROI in the manager,  
> either
> manually or programmaticaly, will it recall just the ROI or will it  
> jump
> also to the slices from where the ROI has been defined ? It seems to  
> be the
> case, at least when done manually.
> - what is exactly the way the ROI manager remembers on which slice is  
> the
> ROI located ? It seems to have something to do with it's default name.  
> If I
> "Add" a ROI from slice 2 of my stack, rename the ROI, and select it  
> back it
> does'nt remember the slice anymore. So if I want to keep the link  
> between
> the ROI and it's slice, I can't rename the ROI ? Or should I just keep  
> the
> first stretch of digits (which seem to actually reflect the slice  
> number) ?
> Christophe Leterrier
> --  
> View this message in context:  
> tf2546192.html#a7095185
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