Hello John,
If the plugin you use allows you saving the transforms into text files (as
bUnwarpJ and Register Virtual Stack Slices do), you can extract that
information from there. For the specifics of each transform type, you
should look into the code of the plugins.
On Thursday, June 12, 2014, John Oreopoulos <
[hidden email]>
> Hello,
> I have a general question about ImageJ registration plugins such as
> UnwarpJ or TurboReg. I understand that the output of these plugins is to
> produce transformed source image to match as best as possible a target
> image, and the plugin with translate, rotate, and stretch/scale the source
> image to make that happen, but is there anyway to pull from these plugins
> quantitative information relating to these transformations?
> For example, can I get the plugin to tell me that it had to translate
> image 1 by 2.3 pixels to the left and rotate it 3 degrees clockwise to make
> it match image 2?
> I'm also not clear on how this information is relayed for an elastic
> stretching/compression of the image - how does one express that kind of 2D
> information in a single quantitative metric?
> Thanks if anyone can educate me here!
> John Oreopoulos
> --
> ImageJ mailing list:
Ignacio Arganda-Carreras, Ph.D.
Seung's lab, 46-5065
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
43 Vassar St.
Cambridge, MA 02139
Phone: (001) 617-324-3747
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