Particle analysis in ROI

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Particle analysis in ROI

I'm trying to analyze the intramuscular fat particles on a cross-section of  a musce. I have already tried to apply "Analyze particles" but it refers to the whole image, not just the region of the muscle that I'm interested in. I want to analyze only the region within the boundary of the examined muscle - in order to get data on the distribution and shape of the fat particles as well as the percentage share of fat on the muscle cross-section surface. I suppose that I should use the ROI manager, but it doesn't offer an accurate particle anaysis. At least I can't find a way to link the ROI manager and the particle analysis.
I've attached an image (meat selected.png) after the muscle selection and using the "Clear outside" - as I've mentioned before, I'm interested in the muscle tissues only. I've also attached an image after convertion to 16-bit, thresholding, and "analyze particles" (particles.png). These particles are the subject of my research.
I will be gratefull for all guidelines.

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Re: Particle analysis in ROI

Aryeh Weiss
On 6/18/14, 3:15 PM, ludwiczakagnieszka wrote:

> Cheers.
> I'm trying to analyze the intramuscular fat particles on a cross-section of
> a musce. I have already tried to apply "Analyze particles" but it refers to
> the whole image, not just the region of the muscle that I'm interested in. I
> want to analyze only the region within the boundary of the examined muscle -
> in order to get data on the distribution and shape of the fat particles as
> well as the percentage share of fat on the muscle cross-section surface. I
> suppose that I should use the ROI manager, but it doesn't offer an accurate
> particle anaysis. At least I can't find a way to link the ROI manager and
> the particle analysis.
> I've attached an image (meat selected.png) after the muscle selection and
> using the "Clear outside" - as I've mentioned before, I'm interested in the
> muscle tissues only. I've also attached an image after convertion to 16-bit,
> thresholding, and "analyze particles" (particles.png). These particles are
> the subject of my research.
> I will be gratefull for all guidelines.
> <>
> <>
If you have a ROI selected, the particle analyzer will only operate in
that ROI.

Here is an outline of how you might operate on a bunch of ROIs individually:

roiCount = roiManager("count");
for (i=0; i<roiCount; i++) {
     roiManager("select", i); // you need to select the ROI
     run("Analyze Particles...", "varius options go here"););

     and other stuff you need to do....

Of course, if you dont need to loop over your ROIs, you can do it once.


Aryeh Weiss
Faculty of Engineering
Bar Ilan University
Ramat Gan 52900 Israel

Ph:  972-3-5317638
FAX: 972-3-7384051

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Re: Particle analysis in ROI

In reply to this post by ludwiczakagnieszka
Thank you very much for help.
