On Mar 14, 2010, at 8:36 PM, Sam Wu wrote:
> Hi JY,
> Thanks so much but I just cannot find the download link of this
> plugin.
Hi Sam,
Right now, I just made it for Fiji (because of a lib dependency,
jFreeChart, do people think I should do a non-Fiji plugin as well?).
So you have first to download fiji, here:
http://pacific.mpi-cbg.de/wiki/index.php/Main_PageInstall it, run it, and update it using the Help > Update Fiji menu
You have to go to Advanced mode and the Directionality plugin is going
to be in the Non-installed category.
Just select Install it in the context menu, click Apply changes and
when it's done, restart Fiji.
The directionality plugin will then be in the Analyze menu.
Also, for what you need, Daniel Sage pointed us on another mailing-
list this morning towards OrientationJ which might also do what you