Fiji/ImageJ Overlay Option dialog box question

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Fiji/ImageJ Overlay Option dialog box question


I have a question regarding the Overlay Options dialog box in Fiji/ImageJ.
I am using (Fiji Is Just) ImageJ 2.1.0/1.53f23; Java 1.8.0_172 [64-bit];
Windows 10 10.0

I am trying to figure out what the “Apply” checkbox does. The documentation
didn’t mention the “Apply” checkbox.

[image: Overlay Options]

I cannot find any reference of this dialog box in the manual. Can someone

Thank you very much!

Tao Tong

ImageJ mailing list:
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Re: Fiji/ImageJ Overlay Option dialog box question

Cammer, Michael-3 

-----Original Message-----
From: ImageJ Interest Group <[hidden email]> On Behalf Of Tao Tong
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2020 3:42 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Fiji/ImageJ Overlay Option dialog box question



I have a question regarding the Overlay Options dialog box in Fiji/ImageJ.
I am using (Fiji Is Just) ImageJ 2.1.0/1.53f23; Java 1.8.0_172 [64-bit]; Windows 10 10.0

I am trying to figure out what the “Apply” checkbox does. The documentation < ...> didn’t mention the “Apply” checkbox.

[image: Overlay Options]

I cannot find any reference of this dialog box in the manual. Can someone help?

Thank you very much!

Tao Tong

ImageJ mailing list:

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Re: Fiji/ImageJ Overlay Option dialog box question

Michael Schmid
In reply to this post by tongtao

without 'Apply' the Overlay Options dialog determines the default
values, i.e., the properties of overlays created in the future.

With 'Apply' you can, in addition, also modify the currently existing
overlay(s) of an image.

If you want to modify the properties of one (existing) overlay, you can
also long-click in it to select it, then use Edit>Selection>Properties
(y shortcut), and deselect it (Edit>Selection>Select None, shift-A

On 15.10.20 21:41, Tao Tong wrote:

>   Hi,
> I have a question regarding the Overlay Options dialog box in Fiji/ImageJ.
> I am using (Fiji Is Just) ImageJ 2.1.0/1.53f23; Java 1.8.0_172 [64-bit];
> Windows 10 10.0
> I am trying to figure out what the “Apply” checkbox does. The documentation
> <>
> didn’t mention the “Apply” checkbox.
> [image: Overlay Options]
> I cannot find any reference of this dialog box in the manual. Can someone
> help?
> Thank you very much!

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