Fiji "Luxembourg" is out

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Fiji "Luxembourg" is out

Hello all,

we are glad to announce the second release of Fiji, codenamed Luxembourg.

Fiji is Just ImageJ, batteries included.

Fiji is an ImageJ distribution that bundles a collection of plugins, jar
libraries and scripting languages in a consistent framework, bundling Java
and Java3D, and is available for Windows, MacOSX and Linux.

Fiji targets image registration, stitching, segmentation, feature extraction
and 3D visualization, among others, bringing together several ImageJ-based
projects including ImageJA, VIB, bUnwarpJ, TrakEM2, and others, kindly
developed and distributed under open source licenses.

I am sure I forgot some changes in the following list:

- Many In addition to many improvements to TrakEM2, 3D Viewer, Simple Neuro
  Tracer, bUnwarpJ, 3D Skeletonizer, ImageJA, and Stitching since our first
  public release ("Dresden"), it brings new Java versions for Linux and
  Linux 64-bit which should solve the infamous gray-window problem with
  some setups.

- Fiji should now start without problems, even on Windows platforms :-)

- MacOSX has a ridiculously outdated Java3D by default; Fiji brings its
  own -- working -- version of Java3D now.

- Many and improvements in the Scripting examples.

- A script was added that can profile ROIs dynamically (it updates the
  information when you change the ROI).

- A script was added that demonstrates how you can create 3D objects using

- A plugin was added that can render .svg documents, thanks to Batik.

- You can drag 'n drop scripts onto the main window and they will be

- Likewise, if you call Fiji with a file name of a script, that script
  will be executed.

- Many fixes to the Fiji Updater should make it actually useful :-)

- The macro recorder now handles scripts correctly.

- Fiji uses the port 7 by default now: this fixes the issue when you had a
  running ImageJ session and Fiji seemed not to start (since it wanted to
  reuse the ImageJ session).

- Fiji will now use 64-bit Java on Leopard if possible.

- If Fiji cannot reserve as much memory for Java as it wants to, it tries
  again with a smaller amount.

- Improvements in the MRC_Leginon importer handle a wider range of images.

- Plugins were added to read .ico and .icns files.

- Fiji will now start even on some Linux systems with misconfigured IPv6.

- When calling script refreshers, menu items will be removed for scripts
  that were deleted in the meantime.

- Fiji can be convinced to use another Java by setting the environment
  variable JAVA_HOME, or with the --java-home command line option (this
  only works with Sun's Java for the moment, though).

Fiji core developers and main contributors:
 Ignacio Arganda, Albert Cardona, Erwin Frise, Greg Jefferis, Verena Kaynig, Mark Longair, Stephan Preibisch, Stephan Saalfeld, Johannes Schindelin, Benjamin Schmid, Cornelius Sicker, Jean-Yves Tinevez, Pavel Tomancak.

We would like to thank Wayne Rasband for ImageJ, for his continuous development efforts and for his infinite patience. Thank you so much!

Further thanks go to the Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Cellular Biology
and Genetics in Dresden, Germany, Janelia Farm in Ashburn VA, and the INI
in Zuerich, Switzerland, for funding and hosting meetings without which
Fiji would not exist.
