Zitat von Johannes Schindelin <
[hidden email]>:
> Hi,
> On Fri, 16 Jan 2009, Sofia Domingues wrote:
>> I would like to overlay two images in ImageJ and failed up to now. One
>> image is a grayscale image from the brightfield acquisition. However,
>> the other one is a pseudocolor image, derived from a ratiometric CFP/YFP
>> FRET image acquisition. Neither in Metamorph nor in ImageJ I was able to
>> overlay these two images up to now as either the pseudocolor image can
>> not be selected at all or the information of the pseudocolor gets lost
>> as the image got flattened to a single color ...
> If I were to overlay a gray image with a pseudocolor image, I would
> convert both to RGB color and then use Process>Image Calculator to add
> them.
If I would like to overlay a gray image with a pseudocolor image, I would
convert the pseudocolor image to rgb and use the RGB gray merge
plugin. I guess that I don't understand what you mean by "or the
information of the pseudocolor gets lost as the image got flattened to
a single color" as well.
> But I guess I did not understand what you mean by "or the information of
> the pseudocolor gets lost as the image got flattened to a single color".
> Maybe you want to be a little more verbose about it, so I have a chance to
> understand what you need?
> Ciao,
> Dscho
Alicia Piera
Lehrstuhl für Experimentalphysik:
Physik weicher Materie und Biophysik
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1
80539 München
Tel.: 0049 89 2180-2430
Fax: 0049 89 2180-1452
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