Fiji - number of threads

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Fiji - number of threads

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Good morning, may I have a question about the setting Memory & Threads. I
changed the default nb of threads to 1, the it ask me to reset the the
application. But after the reset then number of threads is always 4. What
happened, the thread setting does not need restart or there is a bug that
it does not change this parameter?

Thanks, JB
Best regards and wishes of a nice day, Jiří Borovec
Jiří Borovec <>
PhD student at CMP CTU, ISC member

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Re: Fiji - number of threads

Michael Schmid
Hi Jiri,

at least for pure ImageJ (not FIJI, but I think there is no difference):
You have to restart ImageJ only if you have changed the amount of memory;
it should not ask you to restart if you only want to change the number of

In, line 374, the number of threads is written to IJ_Prefs.txt
only if it is >1.  I guess that the idea behind it is that setting it to 1
on multiprocessor machine is used for debug purposes only, and hardly
anyone wants to use only one processor on a multiprocessor system.
(Apart from debugging, as far as I can see, setting it to 1 may make sense
only if there is not enough memory for processing an image stack with
multithreading, which is quite rare).

What you can do:

In your Startup.txt file (ImageJ/macros), have a macro

macro "AutoRun" {
  run("Memory & Threads...", "parallel=1 keep run");

(delete 'keep' if you don't like the 'keep multiple undo buffers', e.g.
because you have large images and little memory).


On Fri, September 13, 2013 15:32, Jiří Borovec wrote:

> Good morning, may I have a question about the setting Memory & Threads. I
> changed the default nb of threads to 1, the it ask me to reset the the
> application. But after the reset then number of threads is always 4. What
> happened, the thread setting does not need restart or there is a bug that
> it does not change this parameter?
> Thanks, JB
> --
> Best regards and wishes of a nice day, Jiří Borovec

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