I am sorry for dumb question but I was not able to find the answer
anywhere in the internet...
I am writing the plugin and want to use "Clear Outside" function. In
the API, I found "public void clearOutside(ImageProcessor ip)" in
Filler module. But I didn't got how to use it in the plugin. If I
create Filler first, by writing "Filler filler = new Filler();" and
then try to call the function by "filler.clearOutside(ip);" (all this
is in "public void run(ImageProcessor ip)") - I got
java.lang.NullPointerException "at
Alternatively, I tried to use simple IJ.run("Clear Outside"); but in
this case I got a message "Image is locked"...
I will be very grateful if anybody explain what should I do here.
Thanks in advance!