Hi all,
We're using FlowJ to analyze some confocal data (Looking at protein movement in C. elegans) and have a few questions about the plugin.
There is no documentation on the "Compute All Flows" button that was added.
This button does not output a stack of 2D Flow XY for each frame considered, so we cannot measure the angles based on the 2D Flow xy image.
The "Support" claims to be 9 frames (we have 15 frames images)
When using compute all flow fields, it's like moving the central slice and computing all possible flow fields with a support of 9 frames.
The resulting number of fields we get when we hit Display is 6. Should it not be 7 when we have 15 images?
Example: 15 images.
1st flow field: frame 1 to 9
2nd flow field: frame 2 to 10
6th flow field: frame 6 to 14
7th flow field: frame 7 to 15
Any information on this would be welcome.
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