I am currently working at a Macro which performs MultiMeasurements of
each with a separate (given) ROI-Set.
The filenames of stack and tiff are stored in an string-array which is
macro "listmeasure [l]" {
tmp = "C:\\Programme\\ImageJ\\filelist.txt";
str = File.openAsString(tmp);
liste = newArray("");
liste = split(str, "\n");
n = nResults;
g = 0;
for (g=0; g<(liste.length-1); g=g+2) {
open(liste[g]); // opens stack
open(liste[g+1]); // opens ROI-Set.zip to RoiManager
run("Multimeasure_and_Save [6]"); // Performs measurement in
special order and saves measurement results
run("RoiReset [r]"); // "resets" roi Manager, closes picture
My problem is that this script imports the 2nd ROI-Set while the first
is still being measured (causes exception).
Can I force the script to wait until sub-functions are finished?