Fourier filters

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Fourier filters

Sandro de Luelmo
Hi my name is Sandro de Luelmo and I’m working as a teacher and we are trying to use ImageJ as a pedagogical tool for our students. It’s a course in image processing and we want them to understand the Fourier transform and how filtering in the frequency domain working in detail.
  An exercise that I would like to include could be as follows:
  The student should perform a FFT on a image. Save that FFT-image in there portfolio for later presentation. Open a high-pass filter and save the image of the filter for later presentation. Multiply the FFT-image with the high-pass filter and save the result-image for later presentation. Perform a INVFFT on the result-image and thereby obtain a edge enhanced image compared to the original image.
  I’ve tried everything in ImagJ but it is for example impossible to multiply a FFT-image with a FFT-filter and then inversing it! Is there anyone that knows if it is possible to achieve the goals I have for this course? Maybe I could use some plugins or macros for this task??
  Best regards
  Sandro de Luelmo


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Re: Fourier filters

Dear Sandro de Luelmo,

image filtering in ImageJ is possible in various ways.

The quickest but perhaps not the most educative way is to use the

  "FFT > CutsomFilter..."-approach.

Open the filter function, make the image to be filtered the foremost
window and select the above menu. In the appearing dialog select the
filter function and there it is -- the filtered image!

Caution! The original image is overwritten by the result, so you
should use a copy of the image.

Make sure that image and filter functions are ( 2^n x 2^n )-sized!

>Hi my name is Sandro de Luelmo and I’m working as a teacher and we
>are trying to use ImageJ as a pedagogical tool for our students.
>It’s a course in image processing and we want them to understand the
>Fourier transform and how filtering in the frequency domain working
>in detail.
>   An exercise that I would like to include could be as follows:
>   The student should perform a FFT on a image. Save that FFT-image
>in there portfolio for later presentation. Open a high-pass filter
>and save the image of the filter for later presentation. Multiply
>the FFT-image with the high-pass filter and save the result-image
>for later presentation. Perform a INVFFT on the result-image and
>thereby obtain a edge enhanced image compared to the original image.
>   I’ve tried everything in ImagJ but it is for example impossible to
>multiply a FFT-image with a FFT-filter and then inversing it! Is
>there anyone that knows if it is possible to achieve the goals I
>have for this course? Maybe I could use some plugins or macros for
>this task??
>   Best regards
>   Sandro de Luelmo

There are other methods, especially the use of the plugin FFTJ, but
they require more preparatory work and especially a good
understanding of the essential differences between the FT and the
discrete FT or the FFT.





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Re: Fourier filters

Jan Eglinger-5
In reply to this post by Sandro de Luelmo
Dear Sandro,

there is a nice Java applet demo of how FFT works at:

Maybe it's useful for your course?
Best regards,

-------- Original Message  --------
From: Sandro de Luelmo <[hidden email]>
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Fourier filters
Date: 19.04.2007 11:27

> Hi my name is Sandro de Luelmo and I’m working as a teacher and we are trying to use ImageJ as a pedagogical tool for our students. It’s a course in image processing and we want them to understand the Fourier transform and how filtering in the frequency domain working in detail.
>   An exercise that I would like to include could be as follows:
>   The student should perform a FFT on a image. Save that FFT-image in there portfolio for later presentation. Open a high-pass filter and save the image of the filter for later presentation. Multiply the FFT-image with the high-pass filter and save the result-image for later presentation. Perform a INVFFT on the result-image and thereby obtain a edge enhanced image compared to the original image.
>   I’ve tried everything in ImagJ but it is for example impossible to multiply a FFT-image with a FFT-filter and then inversing it! Is there anyone that knows if it is possible to achieve the goals I have for this course? Maybe I could use some plugins or macros for this task??
>   Best regards
>   Sandro de Luelmo
> ---------------------------------
> Stava rätt! Stava lätt! Yahoo! Mails stavkontroll tar hand om tryckfelen och mycket mer! Få den på

Jan Eglinger
PhD Student, Eckhard Lammert group
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
Pfotenhauerstrasse 108
01307 Dresden

Tel:  +49 351 210 2722
VoIP: [hidden email]
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Re: Fourier filters

Robert Dougherty
In reply to this post by Sandro de Luelmo

How about this?

newImage("filter", "32-bit Black", 512, 512, 1);
run("Multiply...", "value=0.0000");
run("Add...", "value=1");
makeOval(178, 178, 154, 154);
run("Multiply...", "value=0.0000");
run("Select None");
run("Gaussian Blur...", "radius=20");
run("Bridge (174K)");
run("FFT Options...", "  complex do");
imageCalculator("Multiply create 32-bit stack", "Complex of
//run("Image Calculator...", "image1=[Complex of bridge.gif]
operation=Multiply image2=filter create 32-bit stack");
run("Inverse FFT");


-----Original Message-----
From: ImageJ Interest Group [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Sandro
de Luelmo
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 2:27 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Fourier filters

Hi my name is Sandro de Luelmo and I’m working as a teacher and we are
trying to use ImageJ as a pedagogical tool for our students. It’s a course
in image processing and we want them to understand the Fourier transform and
how filtering in the frequency domain working in detail.
  An exercise that I would like to include could be as follows:
  The student should perform a FFT on a image. Save that FFT-image in there
portfolio for later presentation. Open a high-pass filter and save the image
of the filter for later presentation. Multiply the FFT-image with the
high-pass filter and save the result-image for later presentation. Perform a
INVFFT on the result-image and thereby obtain a edge enhanced image compared
to the original image.
  I’ve tried everything in ImagJ but it is for example impossible to
multiply a FFT-image with a FFT-filter and then inversing it! Is there
anyone that knows if it is possible to achieve the goals I have for this
course? Maybe I could use some plugins or macros for this task??
  Best regards
  Sandro de Luelmo


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