Free To Use Karyotyping Software During These Times Of Covid-19

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Free To Use Karyotyping Software During These Times Of Covid-19

Michael P Ellis
Coronavirus 19 Update

Coronavirus is a life-changing, life-threatening global event. Many of our customers from small clinics to world-leading genetics research institutes such as the Sanger Center in Cambridge have had to take the step of closing and making staff work from home. Other cytogeneticists not directly involved with Cornovirus but still carrying out important health work have also had down tools and go home.

Many people, many companies, many organisations have stepped up to the plate to do everything they can to find answers and solutions to the current pandemic.

As our small contribution, DSUK is making our karyotyping software SmartType available FREE OF CHARGE during this challenging and difficult period. You need only your metaphase images in JPEG, TIFF or PNG format and a Windows or Apple computer to be able to start karyotyping from home.

Visit our site and download SmartType, then follow the instructions “How do I register my copy of SmartType?" on our Support Page. Title the email “COVID-19"

There is no charge, and no commitment.

Michael Ellis (Managing Director)
Digital Scientific UK Ltd.
[hidden email]
tel: +44(0)1223 911215

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